It all makes sense now

3 weeks ago i began exercising and dance again. It is said to benefit your mental health as well as your physical, and as much as i have read and even written about it myself i never had any motivation to try it until we moved into a bigger flat.

Once i got past that initial “wow i look like a complete dick sprawling and prancing around my living room while alone” feeling i started to get into it and it’s now become part of my daily routine. I actually feel worse and really quite crampy if i don’t break a sweat and feel the burn for half an hour. I’m more flexible, fitter and more motivated and determined in other areas of my life – i no longer feel like i am fighting a losing battle with any of my projects and don’t feel the need to impress the people that don’t really give a damn how their actions affect me. It’s like i’m finally succeeding at being me and doing all the things i’ve dreamt about for years.

Some days i wait until the afternoon to exercise – when my toddler happens to be awake. Has anyone else ever tried exercising with a small, hyperactive person in the room?

It goes a little something like this…..

…as lovingly demonstrated by the stickmen above.

And they say there is no excuse not to exercise.

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